The market for wholesale brand name shoes for women is one of the most vibrant retail categories due to the fact that women love wearing stylish designer footwear, and will buy new shoes on a regular basis. While a man might purchase a new pair of shoes once every few months, I have seen women purchase 5-10 pairs of shoes in one shot. If you have been in the wholesale shoe business for any length of time, as a wholesale supplier or buyer, whether you supply stores or the end user on the retail level, you will know how profitable this category can be. If you want to maximize your brand name women’s shoe sales you need to be able to know how to find the best deals online. I will now give you a list of closeout resources that you can use to start your search. You can always visit the closeout warehouse of my business, CloseoutExplosion.com, to make your own selection, or you can place an order by email.
1. Wholesale online directories can be very useful. Take a look at WholesaleHub.com, TopTenWholesale.com, WholesaleCentral.com, MyLocalWholesaler.com, CloseoutCentral.com, CleverWholesale.com, Shoenet.com, and WholesalersNetwork.com.
2. There are trade publications that cater towards the wholesale trade through which you can see shoe vendors advertising, such as IndependentRetailer.com, Forum123.com, Swapmeetmag.com, and WebWholesalerMagazine.com.
3. There are many wholesale shoe websites that offer footwear ranging from designer labels to private labels. You need to independently research vendors before conducting business with them. This is a short list of footwear suppliers I found online, there are literally thousands of other companies out there as well: WholesaleFashionShoes.com, WholesaleStellaShoes.com, 247FashionStore.com, WholesaleShoeWarehouse.com, AllFootWear.com, CeriWholesale.com, and WildDiva.com.
4. In addition to purchasing from a shoe specific vendor, you can also make an order from a closeout dealer that purchases department store overstock pallets like my own business Closeout Explosion, and from other jobbers and liquidators such as Via Trading, Genco Marketplace, Merchandize Liquidators, GBY Liquidations, JD Closeouts, AAA Closeouts, Jacobs Trading Company, H and J Liquidators, and TDW Closeouts.
5. You can also bid online for liquidation, shelf pull, and store return footwear lots on Liquidation.com. Keep in mind that there is a buyer’s premium on your final bid, and that the shipping is often arranged through Liquidity Services, so the shipping cost might be higher than if you arranged on your own to have the freight delivered to you. You can request a shipping quote before placing a bid, so you should have an estimate of what your final cost will be.